姓 名:郭占云
学 位:博士
E-mail:zhan-yun.guo@tongji.edu.cn 或 guozy2002@yahoo.com.cn
联系电话:021-6598-8634; 135-8574-5920
郭占云,博士,研究员,博士生导 师。1972年生,河北滦南人。1996年毕业于吉林大学分子生物学系,获学士学位。因成绩优异,同年免试进入中国科学院上海生物化学研究所攻读博士学 位,在冯佑民研究员实验室从事胰岛素超家族多肽研究。2001年8月获生物化学与分子生物学博士学位。2001-2003年在生物化学与细胞生物学研究所 工作,历任助理研究员和副研究员。2003年9月到美国Dartmouth College医学院生物化学系从事博士后研究,主要研究胆固醇酯合酶1(ACAT1)结构与功能。2006年底回国到3344体育官方入口蛋白质研究所工作。已在J Biol Chem, Biochemistry, Protein Science等国内外知名科技期刊上以第一作者(含共同第一作者)或通讯作者(含共同通讯作者)发表SCI论文近30篇。目前作为项目(课题)负责人正 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项;国家“重大新药创制”科技重大专项(候选药物)1项;国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)课题一项。
1. Luo X, Bathgate RA, Zhang WJ, Liu YL, Shao XX, Wade JD*, Guo ZY*. (2010) Design and recombinant expression of insulin-like peptide 5 (INSL5) precursors and the preparation of mature human INSL5. Amino Acids, in minor revision. (* corresponding authors)
2. Wu XC, Zhou M, Peng C, Shao XX, Guo ZY*, Chi CW* (2010) Novel conopeptides in a form of disulfide-crosslinked dimer. Peptides, accepted. (* corresponding authors)
3. Wang ZQ, Zhou ZM, Guo ZY*, Chi CW* (2010) Snapshot of the interaction between HIV envelope glycoprotein 120 and protein disulfide isomerase. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, accepted (* corresponding authors)
4. Zhang WJ, Luo X, Guo ZY* (2010) In Vitro Degradation of Insulin-like Peptide 3 by Insulin-Degrading Enzyme. Protein J, published online (* corresponding author)
5. Luo X, Bathgate RA, Liu YL, Shao XX, Wade JD*, Guo ZY*. (2009) Recombinant expression of an insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) precursor and its enzymatic conversion to mature human INSL3. FEBS J, 276: 5203-5211. (*corresponding authors)
6. Yuan DD, Liu L, Shao XX, Peng C, Chi CW*, Guo ZY* (2009) New conotoxins define the novel I3-superfamily. Peptides, 30: 861-865. (*corresponding authors)
7. Liu YL, Jiang S, Ke ZM, Wu HS, Chi CW, Guo ZY* (2009) Recombinant expression of a chitosanase and its application in chitosan oligosaccharide production. Carbohyd Res, 344: 815-819. (*corresponding author)
8. Yuan DD, Liu L, Shao XX, Peng C, Chi CW*, Guo ZY* (2008) Isolation and cloning of a conotoxin with a novel cysteine pattern from Conus caracteristicus. Peptides, 29: 1521-1525. (*corresponding authors)
9. Qian J, Guo ZY*, Chi CW*. (2008) Cloning and isolation of a conus cysteine-rich protein homologous to Tex31 but without proteolytic activity. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 40: 174-181. (*corresponding authors)
10. Zhang ZJ, Wu L, Qiao ZS, Qiao MQ, Feng YM*, Guo ZY* (2008) Contribution of the conserved A16Leu to insulin foldability. Protein J, 27: 192-196. (*corresponding authors)
11. Guo ZY*, Qiao ZS*, Feng YM (2008) The in vitro oxidative folding of the insulin superfamily. Antioxid Redox Signal, 10: 127-139. (*co-first authors)
12. Guo ZY, Chang CCY, Chang TY (2007) Functionality of the seventh and eighth transmembrane domains of acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase 1. Biochemistry,46: 10063-10071.
13. Wang ZQ, Han YH, Shao XX, Chi CW*, Guo ZY* (2007) Molecular cloning, expression, and characterization of protein disulfide isomerase from Conus marmoreus. FEBS J, 274: 4778-4787.(*corresponding authors)
14. Guo ZY, Lin S, Henien JA, Chang CY, Chang TY (2005) The active site His-460 of human acyl-coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase 1 resides in a hitherto undisclosed transmembrane domain. J Biol Chem, 280: 37814-37826.
15. Guo ZY, Chang CY, Lu X, Chen J, Li BL, Chang TY (2005) The disulfide linkage and the free sulfhydryl accessibility of acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase 1 as studied by using mPEG5000-maleimide. Biochemistry, 44: 6537-6546.
16. Guo ZY, Zhang Z, Jia XY, Tang YH, Feng YM (2005) Mutational analysis of the absolutely conserved B8Gly: consequence on foldability and activity of insulin. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin,37: 673-679.
17. Guo ZY, Jia XY, Feng YM (2004) Replacement of the interchain disulfide-forming amino acids A7 and B7 by glutamate impairs the structure and activity of insulin. Biol Chem, 385:1171-1175.
18. Guo ZY, Wang S, Tang YH, Feng YM (2004) Mutagenesis of the three conserved valine residues: consequence on the foldability of insulin. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1699: 103-109.
19. Jia XY*, Guo ZY*, Wang Y, Xu Y, Duan SS, Feng YM (2003) Peptide models of four possible insulin folding intermediates with two disulfides. Protein Sci, 12: 2412-2419. (*co- first authors)
20. Wang S*, Guo ZY*, Shen L, Feng YM (2003) Refolding of the amphioxus insulin-like peptide: implications of a bifurcating evolution of the different folding behaviors of insulin and insulin-like
growth factor 1. Biochemistry, 42: 9687-9693. (*co-first authors)
21. Guo ZY, Tang YH, Wang S, Feng YM (2003) Contribution of the absolutely conserved B8Gly to the foldability of insulin. Biol Chem, 384: 805-809.
22. Yan H*, Guo ZY*, Gong YW, Xi D, Feng YM (2003) A peptide model of insulin folding intermediate with one disulfide. Protein Sci, 12: 768-775. (*co-first authors)
23. Guo ZY, Shen L, Gu W, Wu AZ, Ma JG., Feng YM (2002) In vitro evolution of amphioxus insulin-like peptide to mammalian insulin. Biochemistry, 41: 10603-10607.
24. Guo ZY, Shen L, Feng YM (2002) The different energetic state of the intra A-chain/ domain disulfide of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 is mainly controlled by their B-chain/domain. Biochemistry, 41: 10585-10592.
25. Guo ZY, Shen L, Feng YM (2002) The different folding behavior of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 is mainly controlled by their B-chain/domain. Biochemistry, 41: 1556-1567.
26. Guo ZY, Feng YM (2002) The thermodynamic stability of insulin disulfides is not affected by the C-domain of insulin-like growth factor 1. Sci China (Series C), 45: 245-250.
27. Guo ZY, Feng YM (2001) Effects of cysteine to serine substitutions in the two inter-chain disulfide bonds of insulin. Biol Chem, 382: 443-448
28. Guo ZY, Tang YH, Zhang Z, Feng YM (2001) Mutational analysis of the three conserved valine residues of insulin and a proposal of “isosteric residue”. IUBMB Life, 52: 309-314.
29. Guo ZY, Qiao ZS, Feng YM (2001) Unfolding of recombinant single-chain insulin in denaturants containing thiol reagents. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 33: 65-70.
30. Shen L*, Guo ZY*, Chen Y, Liu LY, Feng YM (2001) Expression, purification, characterization of ampioxus insulin-like peptide and preparation of polyclonal antibody to it.
Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 33: 629-633. (*co-first authors)
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